I made the most delishes pickled onions the other day. Normally I'm with wm on this one, but these were so nice I even ate them, and I've got lots of orders from friends and family. (Right, that's Christmas sorted!). Only one small problem, I kind of made the reciepe up and didn't write it down. .
But, they were red pickling onions, and I think it was equal apple cider vinegar, malt vinegar, a bit of balsamic vinegar, a couple of bay leaves, peppercorns, mascovado sugar, cinimum stick all boiled for 10 mins to take some of the acrid off the vinegar.
I'm doing doing tablespoon lots to experiment.
The original vinegar has a red tinge, do you think that may be from the red onions? Or I may have added red wine vinegar as well....?