by Rodo » 12 Apr 2015, 09:13
People who are experienced in using various forums (fora??) know that there has to be a bit of give and take. They allow others to express their opinion and know not to take things personally. I find that Streetlife is bringing in a lot of people (in our area anyway) who are not experienced in using chat forums and they don't like it when someone expresses an opinion which doesn't exactly coincide with their own opinion.
An example of this is one woman was giving a list of places to dine in the area which she could take her dogs into. After a few suggestions from others I simply said that I would not want to go and dine in a place where there were dogs (plural). She got quite hysterical about this and ended up getting the Admin to delete my post, which they said was "personal and offensive".
There are good aspects of it, but also you have to wade through quite a lot of pettiness.