Hi all - and welcome home Kaz and Ally
Gorgeous day here too - of course I am working so can't enjoy it until this evening
V quiet today though, although we have a clinic there are only two booked in
Hopefully it's purely because the weather is so nice, and nothing more untoward...
Donna went back to work yesterday after 9 months off maternity leave - she is soooo close to Lily, and L to her, they have become somewhat codependant and I (for one) felt it would do them both the world of good to have some sort of normality back again. John had both children himself all day - T is poorly atm, in fact has just had a gp appt this morning, he has a little fluid on his left lung so has been given ABs and a nasal spray as the headaches he was also getting the GP thinks may be sinus related....so not much sleep for either of us this past few nights
He's been so hot this past couple of nights it's been tough laying beside him
Anyway apparently John did very well, which was great as we couldn't have helped
Have a lovely Tuesday