Michael got home just before 7pm. He went down to surgery about 12.45 but wasn't back in recovery until after 3pm, so we were all a bit twitchy because he was gone so long. However he soon eating some toast and placed an order for sausage, mash and beans when he got home. He slept coming home in the car and was rather groggy but was talking about watching some football after his tea. You could see his brain was a bit fuzzy though. He had had morphine but they have been given nothing for pain, and I think when the drugs wear off, he could be very sorry for himself. At least if they have a bad night, they are at home, plus they have lots of Calpol and child panadol.
Kellie was a delight all day. The weather was stunning and we had her out on the patio, and I took her for a walk in the buggy too. We were thrilled when she rolled herself over not once but twice - apparently she did it once last week but nobody saw it! She was funny, pulling herself over by clinging onto the edge of her playmat with great determination
Thank you for all the vibes xxxx