No it isn't Saundra. The stalker lady lives near me.
Fruity lives down South. I first "met" her on the Daily Mail boards and we have become really good friends. I met up with her for the first time in Cornwall last August (after over 10 years of chatting online to her) and we got on so well. Its like we had known each other forever.
She was the one that inspired me to take up running - she started this time last year and ran a half marathon last September.
She is travelling up to me to do the 5k in October and they (her, her husband and son) are staying with us for a couple of nights and now I'm going to stay with her for a couple of nights in September.
She was trying to persuade me to sign up to this 10k via Facebook and private messages and when I ignored her she rang me and hounded me until I said yes! The big bully.
I'm not sure how many of you know her from the old DM site - I know Kaz and WM do.