I figured I'd ask here to see if anyone has a suspicion what it may be so I can sound at least a bit knowledgeable when I make the call
In December last year I had to bring my laptop to work. I don't have a proper laptop bag for it, so it was in a soft bag that offers no protection whatsoever. I was cabbing it to / from the station that day and the cabbie had to brake quite hard at one point and the laptop slipped off the back seat onto the floor. I switched it on when I got to work and all seemed fine but that evening when I got home and was using it it all of a sudden made a really horrid noise. The only way to descibe it would be to compare the noise to when something electric is shorting (if that makes sense) which made me think it was the charger / battery. But even when it's not plugged in the noise would still happen. It's rather intermittent so difficult to pin point and at one point I thought it may be the actual disk spinning away in the hard drive and coming into contact with something? But besides this odd noise it's been working fine.
But come yesterday I wanted to look up something, so switched it on and it came up with the screen saying windows hadn't closed down properly last time (like it does when the battery runs low and it switches off) and how do I want to continue; I always choose normal windows start up... The computer then continued like normal, windows started up but before it got to the part where I click on the icon with my name on it (it's Windows 7) the laptop switched itself off. And then back to square one - switch it on, the the same error message again, windows starts up and then the computer dies... whether plugged in to a power source or not
Stupidly I haven't made a back up - but then thankfully there's nothing overly important on there. Photo's that have sentimental value yes, but nothing important that I can think of. But given the computer is actually starting up maybe it's not the hard drive?
Any ideas you clever people out there xxx