So there we were happily watchng the tennis and Bb suddenly said 'my eye's doing what the other one did'
It was the first symptom - like catching sight of something out of the corner of your eye.
When it happened before, within a couple of hours he had the full-blown torn retina; the eye unit had stressed the importance of getting there quickly so I said we'd best phone them.
Once he described what was happening they told him to get straight there, so after nipping across to a neighbour to come and feed Minne (and making sandwiches! - there's no refreshments at weekends, and the main hospital is about 1/2 a mile away) off we went.
Anyway, he had the drops in, they used all their equipment and decided there was no immediate danger, and nothing they can do to stop it if it's going to tear.
With luck, this one could be the more normal vitreous detachment and will not tear the retina, we'll just have to hope for the best
So big phew for now