The other is someway between Birmingham and Nottingham.
We had a lovely, lovely time and Ally is the nicest, most generous person and I am so glad I am seeing her again on Tuesday.
Bruce was brilliant, three and half hours he played non stop. We shouted ourselves hoarse, danced our feet off and got locked in Coventry bus station, now that was scary.
I was amazed how little of his stuff I knew, I really am a greatest hits type person with him. But he played The River and as I have waited 35 years to hear that live I was very very happy. He did the old faves like Hungry Heart, Born to Run, Dancing in the Dark but apart from those I only knew about three others. I am going to try and find a playlist from last night as there were some I would love to download onto my ipod
Right no doubt Ally will check in when she can