Morning everyone. Either your all up earlier these days, or daylight savings changeovers have brought our time differences together. I really can't remember these days. The kids have amen all my thinking ability and left me with this think grey soup instead.. Anyhow,,
My two were shattered a 8am. We had family around for dinner last night and since hubby's Aunty was over from Oz, no one was in any hurry to chase the darlings off to bed. Oliver put himself to bed about 8pm. This morning, understandably they were really tired. I decided on "rest time" this afternoon where we all took books to bed. Sasha was asleep in less than 5 mins, (it's been a year since her last afternoon nap) and Oliver in about 15mins. He last napped about 6 months go. And tonight, instead of acting up and not going to sleep, they were both asleep before their heads hit the pillow. Hope they sleep right through as its quite windy and rainy here tonight, something they have not really heard in this house.
Got Prozac for the cat. Hope that works. She's had her first dose tonight.
Have a good day all. Long hot bath for me, then bed.