My accident happened when i was 10 yrs old
The junior school had just broken up for the six weeks summer break and in the September i was going to secondary school.
So that Friday evening me and a few friends were playing outside (unsupervized- YES we DID use to do that!!) generally mucking about playing chase and other such games , anyway i fell off the bike shed roof and broke my arm , i remeber standing up and looking down at this thing just hanging there , i could not feel it at al.
Dad rushed me up the hospital , but not til he had eaten his tea so i just sat at the table waiting , swinging me arm
So got to hospital x-ray revealed a chipped bit so i had to have a pin put in it.
3 weeks later we go on holiday to the south coast (we were living in London then)
Why we were away my mum kept saying there was a funny smell in the caravan , it wasn't til we got back she realised it was coming from my arm , so off to the hospital we go.
Lucky we did as gangrene was just about to take hold and i wudda lost the arm for good.
Anyway , i now have a huge scar on my elbow (which when i was younger i thought was cool
And i cant touch my left ear with my left hand , but apart from that i learned something ---
debih wrote:Less than a month after having the cover thing off my cousin accidentally hit me in the mouth with a baseball bat and chipped my tooth -
Accident ! i dont think so