Good afternoon all, it's sunny here at the moment but another day where it can't decide what to do as it's been grey on and off all morning.
I went to the gym first thing. Billy hasn't had a walk yet as I don't think he'd appreciate getting wet again, he wasn't happy being caught in a heavy sleet shower last night on the Chase (and, truth be told, neither were we). We took a shortcut back to the car and he walked very, very close inbetween us, trying to shelter, and when John opened the boot to let him jump in he was straight in even before it had fully opened
Anyway, the ironing is done and I just need to hoover up on the top floor. Hopefully it'll dry up later so that we can go for a long walk over the common before it gets dark so I'll get some potato wedges prepared for dinner before we go.
Have a good day all!