good morning everyone
Hope you are all well, we are enjoying time off as its Easter Holidays so both off for 2 weeks
been busy so far, Monday we went to Holy Island - in the rain - and came back through some coastal towns, stopped at Eyemouth and saw 2 seals in the harbour, it was very quiet as the weather was yucky but me and Amy were watching over talking and the seal came right up near us and was looking right at us - wish we had some food for it. Going to go back on Saturday and hope the wee van is open that sells fish to feed them!!
Today, Amy has the dentist at 11am, her last appointment and last filling, its very traumatic but she needs it done and then a referral to orthodontist will be made to see what the next plan of action is. (she is terrified of the dentist for some reason!)
Then we are going to the toy shop to buy her a treat for being so brave at her last few appointments, followed by a trip to the Cinema to see The Muppets Most Wanted - I LOVE the muppets!!
Hope everyone is having a good day and the weather is nice, its cloudy here but bright, the temperatures are meant to be going up over the weekend to a whopping 13/14 degrees, wowzers! lol
P xxx