Good morning Tuesday

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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 11 Feb 2014, 09:40

Thanks Loz, it is awful to see isn't it? :(

Hope you have a good day, you stay warm and dry too xxxxx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Aggers » 11 Feb 2014, 09:52

Good morning all.

Guess what? --- It's raining again here.

Luckily we haven't any serious flooding near us, but we feel so sorry for those less fortunate.

When is it going to end?

Hope all my friends here on Vocal Voices are OK.

Take care !!!

Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 11 Feb 2014, 09:57

Pouring down here too Aggers, there seems no end in sight xxx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby saundra » 11 Feb 2014, 10:25

morning all
its hammering down here and iv to be at hairdressers at 11
some bright spark has just said on sky news
that even if it stops raining now
thewater table is so high the floods could last till may
not very good news
i hope your boys stay safe kaz what a worry have a few hugs
i must dash
take care everybody xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby tonicha » 11 Feb 2014, 10:49

Morning everyone

Just sufaced :oops: I have never - apart from broken legs and stuff :lol: - stayed in bed so long, but feel a bit better this morning, Still pretty cxxp, but better ;)

Kaz, have a hug. My daughter is in Windsor and she is really struggling to get to work, Oliver to nursery, but they are okay at the moment.

It's grey here, but warmish, but I'm staying put. We need a new kettle, as ours has stopped working - I told Grumpy a few weeks ago it was on it's last legs, but he wouldn't have it - so now I have to boil water to hot drinks :roll: :roll: :cry:

Hope you all have a safe day, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby pederito1 » 11 Feb 2014, 10:59

Surprise, Surprise it is raining here. :( Not a joking matter though really and a catastrophe in the West country. try to stay dry everyone and have a nice day. x

Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Diflower » 11 Feb 2014, 11:23

Morning :)
Just in time to report a tiny patch of bright sky...we've had nothing but rain and gale force winds all night and all morning.
Am sick to death of it, it's not just the immediate 'oh it's raining', but all the rest.
They're currently trying to repair/patch up the main road here and further towards the next village, but the more it rains the less they can do and the worse it all gets. The list of closed roads gets longer and longer, and rail lines too, landslides have shut at least 3 routes.
It will take weeks and weeks of dry weather to even start to sort it all out.

Today BB's here so we're intending getting a few jobs done.
Huge hugs Kaz, the threat of flooding and the damage water can do is unbelievable.
Glad you're feeling a little bit better Ton.
Hope you manage to get to the shops Loz, it's ok for us to and from the town but nowhere else :?

Try and have a good day all
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby saundra » 11 Feb 2014, 11:52

Still hammering down here
Been to hairdresser s. And post office
Now home got a cuuppa with some whisky in
Ton you don't have much luck with ketltles do you
Get well soon
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 11 Feb 2014, 13:01

Thanks very much everyone - I feel so sorry for anyone flooded out, the worry of it must be horrendous. Chris is still stuck in his flat, so far my ex's road is ok, although there is military and sandbags etc up on the main road.....he is keeping an eye on it with a view to getting everything like the telly etc upstairs!

I know many others have it just as bad or worse, the Somerset stuff is horrendous :(

I've just had a nice visit from my MIL, she's just got back from Scotland and bought me back some lovely shortbread and a celtic cross necklace with stones in it, and some whisky marmalade for Mick. We've been keeping an eye on her hosue and yesterday I put some milk and bread in her fridge and daffs in a vase to welcome her home.....

I am going out for a walk! The sun has come out, by some miracle, I cant do anything here for my boys so I need to get some fresh air and stop stressing.

The support on here is brilliant - you are all lovely people xxxx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby jenniren » 11 Feb 2014, 13:02

Morning all :D

All the rain you're getting really does sound horrendous, hope you all stay safe and dry.

We feel so lucky to be here in the sunshine, E's osteoarthritis would no doubt be playing up more than ever if we were still at home. Saying that apparently it's much wetter here than usual for this time of year, but luckily most showers are very shortlived and it doesn't really impact us much. The heavier stuff normally comes down overnight, we did see a truly big storm last Friday but even that was late afternoon and we'd already moved off the beach. It's quite comical really, as soon as a shower comes over we all jump off our loungers and stand under the umbrella til it passes and then jump back on the beds as though nothing's happened :lol: Of course the biggest bonus is it's warm all the time, the locals call the rain liquid sunshine and they're not wrong.

Just finishing brekkie and then we're off to the beach.

Hope you're all having a good day :D

jen x
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