Would you take a gift

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Would you take a gift

Postby meriad » 05 Feb 2014, 15:21

I'm meeting up with a friend for dinner this evening - going over to hers after work.

It was her partners birthday on the 10th of January, and she had a small dinner party for him at their house to which I was invited and had accepted, but ended up not being able to go as I got stuck at work until about 8ish and wouldn't have gotten there until about 9.30pm.... ie way past the dinner

I'm not sure if he's going to be there this evening, but do you think I'm still 'expected' to bring a belated birthday gift for him. I was going to give him a bottle of wine on the actual day, so nothing major (and I do have it in the car), but just not sure it's still needed seeing that we're now one month after the event and it's now more of a catch up dinner vs a belated birthday dinner.

just a tad confused really
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Re: Would you take a gift

Postby Lozzles » 05 Feb 2014, 15:26

I don't think you need to take a gift Ria, but you could take the wine anyway, just to enjoy with your meal.
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Re: Would you take a gift

Postby Rodo » 05 Feb 2014, 15:33

Yes - what Lozzles said sounds good.

Re: Would you take a gift

Postby Diflower » 05 Feb 2014, 15:34

I'd take the wine anyway, but for both of them - part birthday, part apology for not being able to go before :)
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Re: Would you take a gift

Postby JoM » 05 Feb 2014, 15:55

Yes, I'd take the wine too and give it to them both with the reasons Di said

Have a lovely evening!
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Re: Would you take a gift

Postby meriad » 05 Feb 2014, 16:01

I have a bottle of red wine anyway that I am taking.... and I'll get her some chocolates because I know she likes those.

So thanks everyone - it confirms what I thought. The one bottle and some choccies will be enough :)
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Re: Would you take a gift

Postby Kaz » 05 Feb 2014, 16:13

Agreeing with everyone here :)
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