You lucky lucky lady - enjoy your liquid sunshine
We shan't flood here - even in '07 this part of town was safe as we are uphill from town, the river Severn and the Docks, but there is a lot of surface water about
((((Saundra)))) I know how you feel love xxxx
Ria pottering sounds a good option, hope your chicken in the slow cooker turns out well
Aggers, brrrrrrr, do stay warm and dry my friend! ((((((x))))) Mick walked our two round the block again, the field is like a quagmire!
Hi Poll
Hope the snow stays away! xxxx
Well I think I must be getting loopy in my old age, as despite the pouring rain and strong wind I still walked up to the supermarket!
Mick and the dogs looked at me as if I was bonkers as I marched out with my jacket hood up and my umbrella!! Still they kept me relatively dry, and my new good umbrella blows inside out without breaking the spines, so I got there in one piece and relatively dry
Got the bits I needed, and the paper, sat in the café with a much-needed cuppa and read the supplements, and then Mick came and picked me up
Now I have a nice chicken, and a homemade low-cal version of apple and pear crumble cooking in the oven - the pears I bought in the week were looking a bit bruised so it seemed a good way to use them up
Oh and you might know, the rain has stopped now!