morning all,
Good luck Kaz, when I had my ECG the nurse took it along to a GP who said it was ok - and it was
hopefully they can tell you today.
Well it looks very wet and quite windy today, Amy is still in bed and I have had some porridge and got a cup of tea.
I have someone from the council coming some time today between 8-2
to fit new smoke detectors, they have been trying to get it done for a few months but I am at work Monday - Friday, I get so annoyed, a lot of council staff seem to think if you live in a council house you must be at home every day, ggrrrr!! Anyway, thought I better get up incase he appears.
Later on we will pop to the shops as we ordered a t-shirt at Next for Amy, she was buying 2 with a gift card but had to order one in her size, then I will nip to jewellers up that way to get a few links taken out my new watch so I can wear it, and then pop to asda to get some fruit and weight watchers things
Have a good day all
Poll xxx