thanks everyone - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this whole thing is rather OTT.
debih wrote:I actually find it quite a strange activity for a hen weekend. Surely life drawing is a serious hobby - does a professional life model really want a group of giggling women standing around drawing him for a fun activity. I find it quite demeaning for the model tbh!
apparently the model knows it's for a hen weekend - who knows. But I agree - I think it's totally demeaning as well
debih wrote:Could you perhaps accidentally miss that train and catch the next one - so you miss the drawing but are there for the rest of it.
Trust me Debih - I am seriously tempted and just did.....
Monty had an anaesthetic yesterday and I needed to bring him back on Saturday; but given the hen weekend I made the appointment for tonight which mean leaving work early and rushing like a loony. So I've just called the vet, got a 09h10 appointment tomorrow morning and cancelled tonights. I do feel loads better now