Morning everyone
Overcast again but I have a silly smile on my face.
Daughter sent me a lovely photo of Oliver, followed by an e-mail, telling me about his progress at nursey etc. He's picking up what they're saying more and more and I just burst out laughing when she said they were in the supermarket the other day and dithering over something and he told his mum and dad that they really must crack on, time is passing
No, I won't be going to see the doc, I feel perfect. Pederito was right about the indigestion, I've been stuffed with excess wind and as Gladys can't get rid of much
I have been suffering. But all tippity tip top now.
Good luck at the dentist Kaz, everything crossed this one stays put.
I'll try and drag Grumpy out later for a walk, he's not been along the cycle path yet and it's ideal weather for a good yomp
Hope the weather isn't too bad for you all over there and you all enjoy your day xx