I'm here
He was fine at the dentist, he was home just after 2.30pm and said it wasn't too bad at all!
However, by that time I was feeling pretty awful - it seems I'd caught what's being called the Sixth Form cold seeing as most of the Sixth Form seem to have it, including Tom
- and I was sparked out on sofa when he came home, and that's pretty much where I've stayed since. I felt more human this morning though, went for my flu jab at 8.55am, was back home at 9am, took Billy for a walk (and blimey there's a story there!!
), went to the tip with some garden rubbish and then to the garden centre for some pansies, a holly bush and a couple of countainers, came home, made John's lunch, felt sick and headachey and promptly fell asleep on the sofa for 4 hours. I felt loads better when I woke though so I planted everything I'd bought.