Someone..anyone..kill me now!!
I have been left strict instructions by the gardener (Don ) to water the garden once the sun has gone/going down.
Determined to put Charlie Dimmock to shame I got ready with the hosepipe tonight.
Unfortunately, also a la Dimmock, I had no bra on under my skimpy vest.
Unfortunately, unlike Miss Dimmock who wore jeans, my chosen attire for my nether regions was bikini bottoms.
Unfortunately, unlike Miss Dimmock who had a well behaved hosepipe, the nozzle on mine came flying off whilst on the jet wash button.
I got soaked..and I mean SOAKED!
Unfortunately for me the Chinese takeaway delivery man chose right then to turn up with my order! Like when has HE ever turned up on time?!
I squelched all the way up the path back to the house to get my purse, grabbed the kitchen towel to cover my wet lady bumps and squelched back down to the smirking driver.
Oh the shame.