Osc wrote:Any time I check FB I also check Twitter (as much as I can ). It's interesting limited myself to 140 characters!
WM that was a bit unfair I actually thought the thread developed into an interesting discussion of using/not using Twitter and how people feel about it and I was specially interested in what Gal had to say as she seems to be the VVer who uses it the most.
Oh thank you Osc, I'm not sure I am THAT au fait with it myself but I'm getting there It sounds as though you are doing just fine, I go there first and then to FB so I'd say I use both about the same. It's really Janie who is our Twitter expert I think, although I don't think she's been about much lately.
WM I too think your comments were a bit unfair. I don't understand why you'd think you are excluded if you don't use it, it's not an exclusive club and anyone can join Dip a toe in, you might be surprised