Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby Workingman » 20 Dec 2020, 14:49

cromwell wrote:Saundra imo it has been held back to use as an excuse ready to shut the country down.

The slides from SAGE show that in London and the S.E. it was responsible for 28% of cases by mid November and that it had risen to 62% by last week. The severity and impact on cases of the new variant was known about on Monday, hence the open letter from HSJ and the BMJ on Tuesday. Why it took till yesterday afternoon to act is a mystery, of sorts - a month wasted.

It must be touch and go as to whether Johnson and Hancock can last much longer..
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby Kaz » 20 Dec 2020, 16:13

Ossie, I'm sure you're right. My Chris is in Tier 4 and must stay home on his own on CD. Ditto my friend Emma's daughter and her partner - who works for Sky TV and is very keen NOT to "do a Kay Burly" :oops:
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby Gal2 » 20 Dec 2020, 17:07

Workingman wrote:
cromwell wrote:Saundra imo it has been held back to use as an excuse ready to shut the country down.

The slides from SAGE show that in London and the S.E. it was responsible for 28% of cases by mid November and that it had risen to 62% by last week. The severity and impact on cases of the new variant was known about on Monday, hence the open letter from HSJ and the BMJ on Tuesday. Why it took till yesterday afternoon to act is a mystery, of sorts - a month wasted.

It must be touch and go as to whether Johnson and Hancock can last much longer..

I was open mouthed in shock to know this news - why did they leave it till now after the last time when LD was started way too late to make a difference??

Do you really think they'd be ousted from their posts now? I don't care for either of them but who else would lead us through this terrible situation? I can't imagine there'd be an election.
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby Kaz » 20 Dec 2020, 17:14

There's no election due until 2024, I can't see one coming before then. A leadership battle perhaps! :?

The thing about Boris, Gal, is that he can't bear to be unpopular and he's staunchly Libertarian, so absolutely hates having to issue rules against personal liberty. All well and good in normal times, but hardly ideal qualities in a leader at the moment :shock:
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby miasmum » 20 Dec 2020, 18:02

I'm obviously confusing everyone. No one is breaking the law, that is the point...

Friend lives here, with husband and two sons, Tier 2.
Son and wife live here Tier 2 and were going for Christmas So far thats 6 adults.
Daughter and son in law and 4 children live here, Tier 2.
BUT son in laws mother lives in Peterborough Tier 4 and this is where they WERE going to Christmas day.

Now they cant so my friend gets her grandchildren after all
making her houseful of 8 adults and 4 children all on one day.

Its all covid legal, just unfair, that she is whooping with joy and I had the grand total of 3 people over two days and now have 2

Hope that explains it, no covid laws being broken just unfair, IMO unsafe and sad for Luke
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby TheOstrich » 20 Dec 2020, 20:42

Thanks for clarifying, MM - but it's all just crazy, isn't it?
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby cromwell » 20 Dec 2020, 20:48

Boris has been stampeded into this by scientists and their dire warnings.
500,000 deaths wasn't that a prediction?
Cases doubling every day - wasn't that a prediction?
Didn't happen did it?
Well maybe something bad will happen this time; I mean, they've had so many predictions they have to get it right sooner or later.
Then again, it could be scaremongering crap, as it has been every time so far.
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby victor » 20 Dec 2020, 22:17

Eurotunnel to close for 48 hrs and ferries stopped
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby Suff » 21 Dec 2020, 04:21

Well as I recall every pundit was screaming about how the government couldn't cancel Christmas, it had to happen.

Then London and the SE decided they didn't want to really obey the latest lockdown (not that I think it would have been super efficient), then everyone is up in arms because the virus is rife and growing like it was a global pandemic or something.

So there is a tier 4 lockdown.

When Macron reviewed our lockdown at the beginning of Dec, they extended it and slapped an 8pm curfew on top.

I'm sure that would have gone down wonderfully in the UK.
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Re: Coronavirus, ? stronger measures to be announced

Postby cromwell » 21 Dec 2020, 09:37

Suff, Johnson is being played like a violin.
Every time there is a glimmer of hope up pops a scientist with "evidence" that if we don't lock down in 30 seconds then he, Boris Johnson, could be responsible for X thousand deaths.
%00,000 deaths. Cases doubling every day. 4,000 deaths a day. All had "evidence" to say it was going to happen unless...
And in most cases that evidence was not accurate.
Now we have a "70%" more infectious strain. Where is the evidence for the 70% claim? Will it too later prove to be wildly inaccurate?
If it does I'm 100% sure that by then another reason will be found to lock us down.
The council elections in May are going to be interesting.
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