Talk about passing the buck!

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Talk about passing the buck!

Postby Kaz » 16 Dec 2020, 16:04

Boris that is, over the Christmas rules - doesn't want to cancel Christmas, but if you get ill it's from your own actions seems to be the gist :? Mind you, I do think he's between a rock and a hard place over this issue :o Makes a change from a fridge I suppose :oops: ;)
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby saundra » 16 Dec 2020, 16:09

Yes that's true kaz
Up to each person to decide then if you get it well
tough it's our own fault
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby medsec222 » 16 Dec 2020, 16:35

We have been well and truly warned about the Boxing Day sales and dancing the night away on New Year's Eve. Let us hope for the most part that common sense will prevail and stupiditis will not rear its head and scupper the rest of us :)
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby cromwell » 16 Dec 2020, 17:14

medsec222 wrote:Let us hope for the most part that common sense will prevail

Unfortunately Meds some people don't have the brains they were born with and have no common sense whatsoever.
It's a balancing act. I think Johnson is well aware that any attempt to ban Christmas would be widely ignored and derided, and jumped on by the media - in spades.
People will do what they will do. The sensible ones will be sensible and the idiots will be idiotic - I'm expecting some prize photos from the Boxing Day sales!
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby TheOstrich » 16 Dec 2020, 18:38

Johnson is a Libertarian. That devolves down to everyone feel free to do your own thing. As a "leader" he is, almost by definition, a complete and utter disaster.

Coupled with the fact that he patently hasn't learnt that you cannot trust the mass of the British people to be sensible, the sooner we see him out and someone else - even Starmer - in, the better.
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby Kaz » 16 Dec 2020, 18:47

Ossie, that's pretty much word for word what Mick said :? :o
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby Workingman » 16 Dec 2020, 21:23

I honestly thought that he would use yesterday's news to do a sensible U-turn, instead he has kept Christmas, so long as it's "on our heads be it".

Love the news that it's a UK wide decision with all four leaders, except that some countries will have stricter rules than others. Very united.

He's lost control.
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby saundra » 16 Dec 2020, 23:10

Wonder if the nightingale hospital will open because there isent the nurses to staff them
Don't suppose anyone in government has thought of that
Will need a whole new departments and management before they start on patients
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby Workingman » 16 Dec 2020, 23:38

It was announced today that in the last week 137,000 vaccines were administered.

It sounds good, but at that rate it will take almost two years to inoculate the most vulnerable priority groups - those down to P4 level.

The programme is going to have to be ramped up by many factors to make most of us safe in the short term. Are the government, PHE, the NHS and military up to it?
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Re: Talk about passing the buck!

Postby jenniren » 16 Dec 2020, 23:53

cromwell wrote:
medsec222 wrote:Let us hope for the most part that common sense will prevail

Unfortunately Meds some people don't have the brains they were born with and have no common sense whatsoever.
It's a balancing act. I think Johnson is well aware that any attempt to ban Christmas would be widely ignored and derided, and jumped on by the media - in spades.
People will do what they will do. The sensible ones will be sensible and the idiots will be idiotic - I'm expecting some prize photos from the Boxing Day sales!

Crommers my thoughts exactly. Far too many people are already doing what they want to, nothing anyone says is going to change that sadly.
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