Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby medsec222 » 15 Nov 2020, 19:09

For sure Frank, the Tories are indeed not known for being sentimental.

I am not sure if I entirely agree with you about the general public, although without doubt there is widespread discontent with the way this Government has performed since the general election, but I wonder if there are large swathes of people who just want the Government to get a grip of the coronavirus and get the country back to work and on its feet again. Maybe they just want the government to succeed rather than listen to the usual point scoring Party politics, because if it doesn't, the ones who will suffer the most are the unskilled and the low paid and young people who are leaving school and trying to find work. I agree with Cromwell about Boris Johnson that before he had a chance to get going he was floored by coronavirus and it has taken him many months to recover from it.

The glee with which ex ministers wade in to give their opinions just irritates me. In particular, John Major. He is a man who lacked the courage to tell Margaret Thatcher to her face that she no longer had his support. His excuse was either a toothache or a migraine, in any case, he wasn't there when she needed his support. He was more than happy to look after his own interests as he had every intention of replacing her so I just wish he would keep quiet for once - he has had his time.
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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby Suff » 15 Nov 2020, 21:25

This is the problem with people and governments.

We are an island on the periphery of Europe and highly interconnected. Our country is a major international transit hub and people flow through or the economy dies.

So that wipes out the Australia and NZ approach to getting a grip. What is left? China. I'm sure their approach to getting a grip would go down a storm. Gun in your face and do as you are told. If you are vital to the control of the country, forced vaccination with experimental vaccines.

Then there is SK. Test and trace and enforced checkpoints. Mobile phones compromised to push data to the government.

The facts that the public refuse to recognise are that outside of those the rest of the world doesn't have a grip, no matter what they say or what they are doing.

As for the other thing? That is too contentious to talk about here, but most of it will be over in less than 50 days.

This government has 4 years to run. The elephant in the room is that whatever Bojo does or does not do, right now, there is time to fix the bad impressions before the next election.

The worst thing that can be done now is to push Bojo out, fudge relationships with the EU and alienate all those first time Tory voters that took a risk last year.

Somewhere, deep down, in the cold hard world of Tory politics, that is clearly understood.

No matter what disgruntled ex ministers or the press are saying.
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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby Workingman » 15 Nov 2020, 22:32

Well now, the next big test in politics in the UK is in May 2021.

In England and Wales there will be local elections and a double-up due to the ones supposed to be held in May this year being cancelled. So, 151 councils, 13 directly elected mayors and 40 police and crime commissioners will be up for grabs. There are also elections for the devolved parliament and assembly in Scotland and Wales.

NI votes for the executive and locals in 2022, Scotland local elections are also in 2022.

If it looks as though the Cons are going to get a good spanking, and unless there is some sort of major miracle the good money is on that being the case, then the Cons will drop Johnson without so much as the blink of an eye. Toast!

The problem for the Tories is not with dropping Johnson, that is just the business of the day, no, the real problem they have is who to replace him with. To say that there is a dearth of talent would be being too kind. Hancock, Raab, Gove, Patel and Williamson are not liked nor trusted by the electorate. Shapps is an oaf and Jenrick a borderline fraudster. Truss, Eustice, Lewis and Dowden are lightweights and the rest are anonymous.

Compare the above with some of the cabinet members and senior backbenchers who resigned or were forced out when Johnson and Cummings "drained the swamp".
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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby Suff » 16 Nov 2020, 09:08

You make my point quite well. If they decide to drop Johnson, who have they got? He may be unpopular now, but by May, the Exit and whatever deal or treaty is in the offing will be long done, vaccinations will be in full swing with restrictions either gone or going fast. The economy will be booming (as much because we're no longer locked down as anything else), people will be on a high with all the doom and gloom removed.

I wouldn't want to try and call the May elections today. Anything we decide, today, in the depths of gloom, with a hard deadline of the end of the year coming ever closer, is going to be polar opposites to where we will be in May.

I don't expect the Tory party will forget that. Nor the disastrous Theresa May election, nor the disastrous time that followed with Tory MP's rebelling all over the place, the Lib Dems and SNP running riot and causing havoc with the razor thin differences in Westminster. The depths of despair we are seeing today are absolutely nothing to the depths of despair that allowed the Tory party to elect Johnson as their leader. That will leave scars that won't be soon forgotten.
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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby cromwell » 16 Nov 2020, 10:12

medsec222 wrote:The glee with which ex ministers wade in to give their opinions just irritates me. In particular, John Major. He is a man who lacked the courage to tell Margaret Thatcher to her face that she no longer had his support. His excuse was either a toothache or a migraine, in any case, he wasn't there when she needed his support. He was more than happy to look after his own interests as he had every intention of replacing her so I just wish he would keep quiet for once - he has had his time.

He said he was having his wisdom teeth done and got hidden behind the sofa until all the blood letting was done. He led us into Black Wednesday, spouted about "back to basics" and traditional values after having had an affair with Edwina Currie. Yet the BBC wheel him out to pronounce on the modern party as though his words were written on tablets of stone.
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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby Suff » 16 Nov 2020, 11:32

I wonder how many Tories _Yearn_ for good old "boring" David Cameron?
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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby Workingman » 16 Nov 2020, 17:58

Suff wrote:I wonder how many Tories _Yearn_ for good old "boring" David Cameron?

Not as many as those of us who do truly yearn for Samantha to lock him in his shed.
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Re: Sinking ship! Rats! JUMP!

Postby Suff » 16 Nov 2020, 18:50

Well I suppose you have a point... :)
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