Dan was a little concerned but said to see how she goes. He is off on Thursday and Friday so wants me to ring him tomorrow to let him know how she is. He said that yesterday after dilating to 14mm he thought that was probably as far as he wanted to go and her reaction after the op has confirmed that.
Her temperature was up slightly so her gave her a shot of AB and told me to try her on eggs or yoghurt as well as her food.
When we got home she ate something between the car and the house (I didn't see her do it) and was obviously in a lot of pain.
But I tried her on a scrambled egg, hand fed bit by bit, and she seemed fine. Then had another egg an hour later, followed by tiny tiny amounts of watered down food and she was fine. I will try her again on egg followed by watery food.
She is fine in herself and I'm going to take her for a walk along the canal later.
Fingers crossed she is just a bit sore rather than anything more serious.