Pretty horrid here, very dark, cold and raining.
I got a couple more trays of plants in Tesco yesterday so they'll be nicely watered in.
We've missed a lot of this week's rain but then other times we're swamped when everyone else is saying how lovely it is - don't you just love our country
Summer hasn't even started yet Saundra, don't give up too soon
Suff are they staying at a hotel? - an email there could get a message to them if there are phone problems.
Kaz I've forgotten when B is going (is it next week?) and how long for - brain like a seive
Osc bet sometimes you're only to pleased you can give them back, no child's perfect all the time but you're meant to get the best bits
Ooh Ton the tiles are going to make it look much more like a real pool
The weekend's supposed to be nice