Good morning.
A wee run and back for a swim and then coffee.
I've a lovely new nail polish so I'll be painting my nails later.
Homework club 4.30 - 6.30, dash home to pick up the car (it's not worth taking the car to work. It's all one way that by the time I drive round looking for a space I'm quicker walking ) then straight to the airport to pick up Don who lands at 7.
Jacob's due to land at 7.15 but will have kept tabs on Don's take off time before his own flight and if there's a possibility of bumping into each other at Malaga airport he's going to have a beer in the top part of arrivals and wait until he's sure Don's through. I've to message Jacob as soon as I've got Don in the car.
I've got the music from Mission Impossible playing in my head.
I'll probably get arrested for acting suspiciously.
Beers and tapas tonight and will try not to combust thinking about tomorrow.
Have a great day everyone.