I'm getting there - will be pacing myself though
Beautiful here now; all evening and up to about an hour ago we had very thick fog/sea mist, really eerie-looking, but the sun's almost burnt it all off already and forecast to be at least 20c today
Bb was off early and won't be back till about 8, so the washing that's just finishing is t-shirts and stuff rather then the towels (too heavy when wet) but a nice big lot out of the basket - all shades of blue
Still not eating a lot of things - dairy is apparently best avoided for 'at least' 2 weeks, have never gone this long without cheese in my life! Today have got some (bargain of course) W/rose meatballs out, figuring I can have as few or as many as I like. Mostly it's been chicken, chicken and more chicken but Bb deserves a change
Saundra Yodel are rubbish in a lot of areas aren't they, the only time we've had them they were fine but I think we were lucky.
Jen good luck with the monitor results x
Hope the other poorlies are doing ok and hope you all have a good day