Oh now I really like the new method of booking appointments - you ring on the day you want to be seen, yes you might have to retry a few times as the line is busy, but then they answer and you get an appointment the same day at ours. Much better than having to wait three weeks as you did in the past
Sorry been awol again
I honestly don't know where the time goes - I used to occasionally get here before work but those days are gone
....I have time to read the boards at lunch break but have learned from past experience not to try and post/reply then (typing takes me ages and I end up over-condensing and then it makes no sense) and evenings just flash past
Apologies xxxx
Day off today - well, from paid work, at least
, but not a day off per se.....still have h/w and grocery shopping etc etc.....popped up to see Lily and Lewis this evening, Lily has finally been diagnosed with extreme cows milk intolerance - no wonder the poor little mite sicks all her feeds back up
She's now on some sort of special milk so everything is crossed that it suits her! I got to help bath her and give her some baby porridge as a supper
She's adorable
As is her big brother
Osc I hope you enjoyed the time with your little ones
Hugs for everyone xxxxxxxxx