It is pouring with rain here, and although the really strong wind from overnight has died down a little, its still very blustery About to leave for my meeting, hoping its been a 'good' week
Have a good day everyone, stay warm and dry if you can! xxxxxx
Morning Very windy here too, rain coming and going, at least it's not hammering down. Clutching at straws rather for something good to say about it
Good luck Kaz and Debih, I'm sure you'll both have done well H-wordy bits and pieces for me, maybe even a spot of ironing...maybe Take care in the wind and rain Di x
Thanks everyone for the good wishes, I got on ok, have just updated my thread on Health
Saundra veggie soup sounds just the thing today, it's 'orrible out there with a capital H
I got the pups new name tags today, Pepper's old one had worn smooth and Fraggle's keeps coming loose I got nice solid brass discs this time - the last ones were B's choice and novelty 'blingy' ones
Stack of ironing, prepped dinner, make those cream pies can't wait to taste them later - well, okay, one. Done various cleaning things, swept and Grumpy vacuumed, sat outside with a mug of camomile tea and now the clouds are back.