Tabasco, eat your heart out.
5 cloves of garlic
4 red chilies
6 Thai bird chillies (or ten hot chillies in total)
2 sweet shallots (or 1 medium onion)
White wine vinegar
tomato purée
Blend all the veg with enough half-and-half water and vinegar mix to cover. Once blended set aside in a covered pan for at least an hour to infuse... or up to four hours, the longer the better.
Heat gently and whilst doing so add two dsp of tomato purée. Bring to a light simmer for five mins then leave to cool but not go cold. When it is finger cool push the pulp through a sieve into a bowl to collect the sauce and add salt to taste. Done.
The consistency of the sauce should be fairly thin, like Tabasco. If not add more water/vinegar and if too thin reduce it over a heat some more.
Bottle up in something (sterilised) with a splash insert rather than an open neck and keep in the fridge.