Lords and expenses

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Lords and expenses

Postby KateLMead » 17 Dec 2013, 07:45

The fiddling of expenses those Lords and Ladies claim for appearing in the House of Lords, for supposedly attending travel, accommodation and other expenses has raised it's ugly head again..,
Remember the scandal of Glennys Kinnock who landed herself that cushy money making position in the EU, who when caught out fiddling her expenses blithely said "No Comment" her old man was promoted following B'Liar losing their last election. the same fraud is the norm when in Westminster, always has been, these so called Lords and Ladies have been revealed to be fiddling and ,cheating a number of times over the years, and nothing has changed.
In Brussels they get £300 a day, more I understand in Westminster like Kinnock these fraudsters have been caught out signing in and leaving thirty minutes later. They are all at it! And it has been going on time immemorial.
They are all cheats, 11 percent increase to put in their fat little pockets. We are fools to vote for any of these fraudsters.
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby Workingman » 17 Dec 2013, 11:19

They roll up, park their lard on a comfy leather seat for 30 mins and collect £300: about the same as someone on min wage gets for a full week's work. They get a free meal, free drinks and a free ride home. Mr & Ms Min-Wage have the enjoyment of buying their own grub, drinks and a bus ticket home. Their Lords and Ladyships have multiple well-paying directorships to help "inform" their decision making. Mr & Ms Min-Wage take as much overtime as they can or get a second job because they need them to bloody survive.

If there's not a revolution round the corner then there should be.

I see that Lords McKenzie and Laird are to be temporarily banned for taking payments to lobby for (fictitious) companies. In any other walk of life they would be sacked, taken to court and jailed.
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby cromwell » 17 Dec 2013, 14:33

I don't understand what the purpose is of the House of Lords anymore. Why not just get rid of it?
Yes, they are indeed all at the fiddling. It's more blatant in the EU, where they turn up on a Friday complete with their luggage for the flight home before taking a cab to the airport immediately after they have signed in.

There will never be a revolution; everyone has been taught that "doing something" should be left to the authorites, or is on their I-Pad.
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby KateLMead » 19 Dec 2013, 08:23

I have got to the stage I am attempting to cut my replies and posts down observing the number I write ! :roll:
I am sure you remember Kinnock his wife, Mandy and numerous other Labourites,one of the most sickening Prescott who all wanted the Lords to be disbanded Got rid of, but how they changed their minds when those titles were bestowed on them... Damned hypocrites
They use their titles to the hilt, Lord and Lady Prescott nauseating welcomed as Royalty in China.
The left wing university he attended in Oxford was arranged by the Trades Unions
By all accounts he was found to be as thick as pudding, a good rabble rouser.
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby Kaz » 19 Dec 2013, 09:21

Absolutely infuriating!! Scroungers taking the tax payers' money for doing nothing, and yet they would be the first to condemn benefit cheats for doing the same I am sure! :o :(

Kate, you keep on posting! :D ;)
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Re: Lords and expenses q

Postby KateLMead » 19 Dec 2013, 11:09

Kaz wrote:Absolutely infuriating!! Scroungers taking the tax payers' money for doing nothing, and yet they would be the first to condemn benefit cheats for doing the same I am sure! :o :(

Kate, you keep on posting! :D ;)

I was getting worried Kaz that my posts are getting too much, nearly half a page!!! Xxxxxqqq
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby TheOstrich » 19 Dec 2013, 12:19

cromwell wrote:I don't understand what the purpose is of the House of Lords anymore. Why not just get rid of it?

I must confess, even a "traditionalist" like myself is beginning to come round to that way of thinking. I think that the fact that Cameron is prepared to use the Parliamentary Act to over-ride the Lords re the Immigration bill (media report yesterday), as Blair did over the fox-hunting, is the slippery slope to rendering the Lords impotent anyway.
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby Workingman » 19 Dec 2013, 18:14

I am a reformist, but the reforms I would like to see will never come about.

However, I am of the opinion that doing away with the HoL is to give up - it is defeatist. When nothing is seen as being better than what we have we have lost.

I do not want a government that can do as it pleases without some form of moderation, even though that might only be temporary, as with the HoL. When the Parliament Act is used it serves to show us how weak the government position actually is. If the PA had to be used on regular basis we might wake up to the fact that the government is not acting in the interests of the people and eventually decide to do something about it.

That would be my hope.
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby KateLMead » 23 Dec 2013, 08:01

The cost of heating and upkeep must be phenomenal in The Lords, that more often than not accommodates two or three
Of these parasites who have turned up, two of the three generally snoring quietly head bowed. What a farce.
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Re: Lords and expenses

Postby cromwell » 23 Dec 2013, 16:11

I see Denis McShane got sent down today for fiddling. Excellent news; I hope the smug ar$e enjoys his (sadly short) time as a guest of Her Majesty.
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