In about March or April 2022 some of us were invited to take part in a records check for the NHS. The aim was to set up a database of illnesses in all demographics. The information would be digitised and anonymous but shared throughout the NHS and selected pharmaceutical and medical research facilities. I signed up and had a thorough medical.
What has not been said about what Streeting says is that this is a tweaked version of a scheme proposed last year by the Conservatives, and the LibDems also have a version. It seems like politicians of all shades want to get their hands on our medical records somehow and somewhy..
Something else not mentioned is that the NHS has put up a website asking for our views on things. It is here: just C&P the address into a browser. Anybody can use it to give their views on all things NHS, maybe we should all use it to express what we feel about this digital database.
And like you, Ossie, I will not have the NHS app on my phone as I simply do not trust it nor all the links it gives out. It is flaky as hell.