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Skills boot camps.

PostPosted: 21 May 2024, 10:18
by Workingman
This is the big new idea for the workforce, but what skills?

In my day we had professionals, skilled workers, semi-skilled workers and unskilled workers.

Professionals had 'A' levels and / or went to college or university. Skilled workers usually had 'O' levels or Grade 1 CSEs. Semi-skilled workers had a number of CSEs and the unskilled had few or no educational qualifications - they were a very small minority.

Today we have one fifth of pupils leaving "High School" at age 16 who are functionally illiterate and innumerate - barely at the level of an 11-year-old. Maybe we should be sorting out the education system before trying to 'upskill' people when they do not have the basic educational skills.

Re: Skills boot camps.

PostPosted: 21 May 2024, 10:44
by cromwell
We used to have a system that worked.
Now, despite the "Education, education, education", we don't.

Re: Skills boot camps.

PostPosted: 21 May 2024, 11:13
by Workingman
We also had real apprenticeships lasting three years with a mix of work, college and night schools. Yes, the system worked.

Re: Skills boot camps.

PostPosted: 21 May 2024, 12:34
by cruiser2
How can you do an apprenticeship WFH?