Ah bless!

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Ah bless!

Postby Workingman » 16 Oct 2020, 18:45

Another Bo-turn.

The bulldozer blade is undisturbed, the ditch is empty but the fridge is full, the easiest 'oven ready' deal is past (one of its many) sell by dates, and the bus needs a new paint job.

And it's all the EU's fault that we idiots voted for this. Well who would have thunk it?

Thank the Lord we have a truth telling and competent full-time details man and not an Eton Mess in charge or we would be up to out necks in it: what?
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Suff » 16 Oct 2020, 23:55

Or, on the other hand, we can thank the fact that Macron is so malliable, Mekel is so Predictable and the rest of the 27 are so fractious that they have to be kept under iron control lest they run amok and break everything.

Best show in town and we have a ringside seat. For some it will be like sitting at a play in swahili, for others it will be a most riveting performance...

Well at least I get a pay rise out of it in the short term. At least until the markets wake up and start making sense again.
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Workingman » 17 Oct 2020, 01:26

Ah, but it is not about you and your pay rise, it is about the 67 million of us in the UK who will suffer because of Brexit.

The saddest fact is that the ones to be hardest hit by Brexit are those on the lowest incomes who you conned to vote for it, but hey-ho, they are the least able to ride out its disastrous outcomes.

How proud you must feel, living in the EU and all that.
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Suff » 17 Oct 2020, 10:30

Ah but you never understood my position on this.

All I was saying was that the EU had just donated me a pay rise by being inordinately stupid. Which is their normal state of play.

This will cost me in the end far, far more than the low paid man in the street. But let us ignore that and the fact that I accept the price to avoid something much more unacceptable.

I didn't "con" anyone. I said it will cost 10 years of turmoil to give the UK a position and strength in the world it would Never get in the EU. I said I was willing to pay that price.

I didn't con anyone.

Those doing the conning are not in my camp.

This is the kind of garbage which tries to blame the UK for what happened. It was all a mistake over One word you see and the UK was prepared to jump on it.

That article wilfully ignores the other two tweets in the three tweet series from Frost and ignores the part where the Council says if talks are to "continue" then the UK have to come forward with the concessions because they are not going to.

Even then, if you read enough of that article, you get to the point where Ireland and France go onto a No Deal footing with finances because they "know" that their actions are going to be rejected by the UK.

The Irish are our closest neighbours, they speak, mainly, the same language, share many customs and are so heavily intermarried into the UK that there is no way they don't know us and how we will respond.

Whilst you can understand that Hungarians and Latvians don't understand how we think and act, you cannot say the same for the Irish.

That article was a huge "not our fault" piece. It is a preparatory piece to defend what happens when Ireland descends into the maelstrom in January 21.

If you actually read enough sidebars from EU press, you see that there is a growing understanding that three nations need to feel the pain of no deal before they will stop blocking and start negotiating.

I did say three nations. Germany, France and Ireland.

What happened on Thursday was a set piece trap. The UK baited the trap, Macron and Merkel blundered right into it and the members of the EU 27 who are tired of being used to forward a few states power grab slammed the door.

Expect the wailing and beard tearing to intensify on Monday.
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Workingman » 17 Oct 2020, 11:20

You are a WUM and I did get triggered, but no amount of deflection can hide the fact that your side's dream was sold on lies and falsehoods and that they are still being used today to try to sweeten the bitter pill. However, some of us, many of us, are not swallowing it and will continue our 'remoaning' ad infinitum. Get used to it.

Did you read the whole article or just cherry pick the bits to suit your bias. It's still about the fish.... and energy, which would massively benefit the UK if we let a few tiddlers go.

And, btw, it's the UK leaving the EU, it is what we voted for. The rules for doing so were already in place and we do not get to change them whimsically to suit us, we need to negotiate. Unfortunately the capricious BoJoke just ended that.

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Re: Ah bless!

Postby medsec222 » 17 Oct 2020, 12:36

We are not there yet so we will have to be patient and await the outcome after four years or so of wrangling.

I have no regrets about voting to leave - the disgruntled 'supposed' comment by President Macron to the effect that the French won't process UK fish and will leave it on the quay to rot, says it all.
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Kaz » 17 Oct 2020, 16:55

"Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it" perfectly sums it up for me. I cannot get my head around the fact that some people still think it's going to benefit us, despite so much evidence to the contrary, even though a NDB is looking more and more likely! You know, that NDB that good old Boris said was a million to one........... :? :x Enjoy :roll:
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Suff » 17 Oct 2020, 23:18

Yet, the EU is in full retreat now with Macron sidelined and alone with all sides pointing at him.

They expected the "prepare for nodeal". They also expected talks to continue. What shocked the hell out of them was the cancelling of talks on Monday.

"oh crap, he's serious" could be heard from 10 miles away.

I didn't cherry pick, I ignored all the bits which supposed that the EU knew what it was talking about.

The EU thought it was all about energy (according to the article). In fact it is all about sovereignty and respect. Something the EU is clueless about.

This will unfold until mid November. By that time it is impossible, even in emergency session, for any deal to be agreed.

Report door appears to have cribbed a pay walled Telegraph article which contains conversations with the government negotiating team

It has some interesting insights.

Britain has separately repeatedly called on the EU to begin negotiations over draft legal texts, and claims Brussels is refusing to do so because EU leaders want to “bounce” British negotiators into accepting pre-prepared texts.

It finishes with

A Government source added: “Instead of engaging in a meaningful negotiation, the EU seemed to think they could run down the clock to force the UK to make concessions … If they did think that, they have made a major misjudgement about this Government compared to its predecessors.”

Which about says it all.

Apart from the hilarious

A source close to the talks said “We couldn’t continue with a negotiation that was more like performance art than real engagement.

https://www.reportdoor.com/macron-using ... in-france/
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby jenniren » 17 Oct 2020, 23:54

medsec222 wrote:We are not there yet so we will have to be patient and await the outcome after four years or so of wrangling.

I have no regrets about voting to leave - the disgruntled 'supposed' comment by President Macron to the effect that the French won't process UK fish and will leave it on the quay to rot, says it all.

My thoughts exactly Medsec.
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Workingman » 18 Oct 2020, 12:20

Why should it matter? I keep reading from hardliners that no-deal was what they voted for; they always knew it and always wanted it: Brexit mean Brexit, Get Brexit done, WTO rules, bring it on!.

All this new deflection is designed to blame the EU 'bullies' for when it happens. The Brexis know that the sunlit uplands are really a swamp, the unicorns are really oxen wearing pointy hats, and that the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is an outdoor commode, they just don't want to take ownership.
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