Secret EU Squirrel doesn't know who to hide from....

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Secret EU Squirrel doesn't know who to hide from....

Postby Suff » 27 May 2016, 11:49

Today we hear that the EU are going to delay giving out briefing material for a meeting on EU military consolidation and strategy until the day after the UK EU referendum.

There can only be one possible conclusion to that decision. Namely that what that briefing contains is totally against what the majority of the UK people want and that it would negatively impact the remain camp.

So why do we know about it? How did it hit the UK press? Surely they must have hidden it from every possible UK person who would leak it?

Of course. But, did they forget? It's not just the UKIP who wants Brexit. There is a whole raft of right leaning parties who want Brexit so they can make gain from it. Working out who from the UK can't be trusted is one thing. Working out the arcane and incestuous political alliances of the other 27 is an entirely different equation.

It was always mission impossible to hide what they were trying to do. They just didn't realise just how impossible it was.....

People often ask me what my opinion in on the whole debate. The know I live in France, they know I've worked there for two decades. They're unsure but think remain is the safest option so why take the risk.

Without exception every single one of them is sure that I'll be remain and just want reassurance. Without exception they are all shocked when they find out my real views.

I have finally started taking a simple line.

If you want remain then accept the Euro, Accept Schengen, Accept the EU as a country and accept that the EU will become our foreign service and define our defence policy and our border controls.

Because that is what Remain constitutes and that is what the EU is. All the rest is hype and BS. If you can live with that, then absolutely; vote remain. If you can't live with that then vote Leave because you don't want Remain.

Nobody who is undecided believes me. Nobody who is decided for remain believes me. Only the brexiters believe me.


I _will_ have the last laugh on that one......
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Re: Secret EU Squirrel doesn't know who to hide from....

Postby Aggers » 27 May 2016, 21:03

Suff wrote:Nobody who is undecided believes me.
Nobody who is decided for remain believes me.
Only the brexiters believe me.
I _will_ have the last laugh on that one......

I certainly hope you are right, Suff.
At my age it probably won't affect me which way it goes, but I love my country,
and I firmly believe that an OUT vote is in it's best interests.

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