Ah bless!

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Re: Ah bless!

Postby cromwell » 18 Oct 2020, 19:58

There is one aspect of this that hasn't been mentioned.

Which is, I think the British people have a right to responsible government.
There were two choices in the referendum, leave or remain.
Now, if one of those choices means economic Armageddon - why was it ever offered as an option?
If true it meant that David Cameron was playing Russian Roulette with three chambers out of six loaded, not just one. Which would not have been responsible (or remotely sensible). A lot of people didn't believe that.

Anyway, I thought we weren't doing Brexit threads any more?
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Workingman » 18 Oct 2020, 20:48

I did have a post ready, but I will refrain. We laid off for over a year and it has done us no harm so it's no hardship to stop the posts again.

The truth is that we have this other big thing to be getting on with atm - is Halloween, Trick or Treat, cancelled this year? I do hope so. :roll:
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby cromwell » 18 Oct 2020, 21:05

Not in our village it isn't. Going round knocking on stranger's doors at the present time seems nuts to me, but not to others.
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Workingman » 18 Oct 2020, 21:33

Ah yes, but you live near the "Wake Field" and that's where mourners, past and present, watch over the dead.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Knock, knock...... :shock:
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Suff » 19 Oct 2020, 08:22

Best to change the subject really. Even talking current events it becomes to frought.

Just what we need, a pagan celebration... :)
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Re: Ah bless!

Postby Kaz » 19 Oct 2020, 15:24

Suff wrote:
Just what we need, a pagan celebration... :)

If we're going for a Wicker Man type, I can think of a few "volunteers" ;) :lol:
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