Nice surprise....
Posted: 10 Jun 2015, 22:03
...for Don.
It's his birthday tomorrow (55th! ) and as I'm going out for my staff meal tomorrow night after work - and the boys are off to Murcia clubbing it Friday - and working late tomorrow - they decided to surprise their dad by turning up tonight without him having prior knowledge.
They'd whatsapped me to see where we'd be - Hairy Mary's - and Don's face was an absolute picture when the boys came in with a cake made out of doughnuts (bought in Mercadona but who cares )
I also know (Don doesn't) but they've put money in a card for him for a weekend for the two of us in Granada...enough to pay for a hotel for a night, and the coach fare if we don't fancy driving or to put towards petrol if we do.
And some beer money.
Bless 'em for thinking about him/us and knowing that he/we like to visit different places.
It's his birthday tomorrow (55th! ) and as I'm going out for my staff meal tomorrow night after work - and the boys are off to Murcia clubbing it Friday - and working late tomorrow - they decided to surprise their dad by turning up tonight without him having prior knowledge.
They'd whatsapped me to see where we'd be - Hairy Mary's - and Don's face was an absolute picture when the boys came in with a cake made out of doughnuts (bought in Mercadona but who cares )
I also know (Don doesn't) but they've put money in a card for him for a weekend for the two of us in Granada...enough to pay for a hotel for a night, and the coach fare if we don't fancy driving or to put towards petrol if we do.
And some beer money.
Bless 'em for thinking about him/us and knowing that he/we like to visit different places.