Posted: 08 May 2015, 07:30
Seems to have dropped right out of the Media, overshadowed no doubt by momentous world events like the.. er.. Election. It does however appear to be weakening as predicted and I hope the trend continues leading to this outbreak at least coming to an end. Have not heard anything of the vaccine lately either and hope for that too. It can be concluded that anyone in good health and with a strong immune system which sadly many Africans on poor diet do not have, can if treated early enough before major organ damage occurs, beat the virus. Many of those who have died did very likely already have a compromised immune system due to HIV and offered no resistance to the virus. Incidentally I see now that in Sierra Leone where I lived for a while and in the time honoured tradition of that great country some of the funds donated for Ebola have somehow been ...er...mislaid.