I was wondering how you're getting on with yours? I'm finding I'm using mine more than I thought I would which is great, but I'm quite frustrated that it seems quite slow, esp when switching it on and it needs to download various things (such as updating installed programmes or downloading FB feeds) so whilst it's doing all that in back ground everything is really slow, getting into the internet; typing etc.
Also, not as important, but it also doesn't seem have long battery power even when in standby mode. I'll have it fully charged in the evening and then just put it into standby - by the next evening chances are it's quite, if not totally flat again. I know I should probably shut it down vs putting it into standby mode but then it just takes forever and a day to start up again.
Little gripes but still.... a friend bought a very similar android tablet from a different website for his two daughters and they are way faster than mine
So I was wondering how everyone else was enjoying theirs?