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We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 17:46
by Diflower
We had such a tailwind the flight only took 2 hrs 5 mins instead of 2.25 :D
After all that gorgeous weather, it was actually cooler and quite cloudy when we left the apartment - but it was only 7am!
We booked a shared minibus transfer in the end, it was simpler, quicker, and no more expensive than train and taxis, then we were the only people in it so as good as a private one for well under half the price :D

The driver was lovely, and had visited England, he'd been to Bath and Cornwall and was anxious to tell us all about it :)
As we drove into the airport entrance all his warning lights started flashing, and as he stopped at the drop-off point the car completely died :shock: Talk about good timing!
We somehow had priority boarding as well, no idea how as we didn't pay for it!
Then on the plane, mid-flight was an almighty bump :o :shock: No-one around us had felt anything like it before, then the pilot came on and said we'd been too close to another plane's wings :shock: :?

Anyway, Bb's mum collected us, back to theirs for a quick cuppa, a stop at Lidl for supplies, home to unload all the luggage, then out for the main event - our Minnie :D
We were all as excited as each other, she almost knocked Bb over as she jumped at him for the third time (she never jumps at anyone else). She's been fantastic apparently, absolutely loved the dog-sitter's dog Scamp, and has had no problems whatsoever. S (dogsitter) said our guidelines and tips were excellent, she was quite nervous the first week and kept checking Minnie's ears and gums for pinkness etc, but then relaxed a bit as she got used to how Minnie is.
So a huge success, and we now know we'll all be happy any time we want to leave her again :D
And Minnie has another fan, she kept telling us just what a lovely, wonderful dog she is :D

Hope Loz has had a good journey, glad you're improving nicely Osc - and Ton, hope you didn't forget behind the extractor fan ;) :roll: :lol: :P

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 17:50
by JoM
Lovely to see you back Di, and so glad you had such a wonderful time :D
Good news that you have somewhere where you're confident to leave Minnie too :D

Can't wait to see photos!

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 17:50
by Kaz
Aw lovely, you are back!!!! :D :D :D

So glad the journey was good (apart from that bump!! :shock: ) and Minnie is soooo sweet, no wonder S fell in love 8-) 8-) 8-)

Welcome home! 8-) 8-) 8-) xxxxxxxx

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 18:00
by Ally
Lovely to have you back Di. :D :D :D :D

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 18:43
by tonicha
Diflower wrote:Ton, hope you didn't forget behind the extractor fan

No Di, I didn't :roll: :roll: :roll:

And oh dear me, it was pretty gross :shock: Sticky, oily wasps, covered in gawd knows what :roll: :lol:

Glad you had a good flight, I checked it as soon as we got home :D

And, can I just say, it was lovely, really lovely to meet you both :D :D xxxx

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 19:48
by Osc
Welcome home, Di and Bb - glad you had such a wonderful holiday, you were more than due a really lovely time.

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 21:34
by Aggers
Welcome back, Di.

Glad you enjoyed your holiday.

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 21:39
by Diflower
Thank you all :)

Aww Ton, we loved the time we spent with you both, as with dating websites there should be a sense of humour one ;) :D
You're both so kind and lovely :)

Thanks Osc, yes, it was a rather trying year or so, but we appreciated it all the more :) x

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 19 May 2014, 22:19
by miasmum
So pleased you had a good time and it is brilliant that Minnie was so settled and loved too.

So where are you off to next?

Re: We're home!

PostPosted: 20 May 2014, 07:00
by saundra
im also pleased you had such a lovely holiday and seeing ton/grumpy
was a bonus
glad minnie enjoyed her holls as well
now dont go rushing round and do to much
it can wait