And we're home
Posted: 16 Apr 2014, 09:50
Earlier than planned, but we found out where the hosue was we were going to see this morning - and cancelled
The hotel was lovely, 35 euros a night, basic, but clean. We found a really good and very reasonable restaurant and they were lovely in there too
Had a few hours with friends on Monday and a long chat with the people whose house we both like
Saw another one yesterday morning - the inside was lovely but the outside They'd have to knock another 100,000 off the price before we'd even think about it. The pool was out of level it was dingy, walls were cracked and it was nearer half an acre than an acre
And the one for this morning - we asked our friends - who know everything going on in the area and they told us roughly where the house was, so yesterday afternoon, we found it. The track is one of the worst we've seen - almost took the exhaust off the car - and the house was actually right on the track - so the dust would get right into it - and we couldn't see where the so called one acre paddock was either. It was no-where to be seen - the rest of the land we knew belonged to another house, so another bit of porky pies, mefinks
The weather wasn't brilliant - quite cool yesterday, buitthe sun is out now and Grumpy is sat outside haviong a well deserved beer he did al lthe driving - as usual - and I'm dragging him out to the Capri tonight, seeing as how we saved so much money on the hotel and the restaurant