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Maybe I'm regressing

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 19:10
by tonicha
I've been using the local market recently - got ripped off there many years ago and refused to go back.

But, the veg are sooo fresh, the meat and fish are delivered daily, so I'm going back to what I first did when I moved over here.

Every day, I'd walk down to the local market and shops and buy what we needed.

Then Grumpy started working, so did I and it was far easier to go to the supermarket once a week.

But the quality of the veg - in particualr - if not good. Maybe it's becaue it's so hot here most of the time.

But the lady in the market now knows me, greets me by name and a smile and suggests things, once she's asked what I'm looking for and what I'm cooking.

Love it xx

Re: Maybe I'm regressing

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 19:25
by Kaz
:D That's lovely - just my idea (dream! :roll: ) of what Life In The Sun should be 8-) 8-) :mrgreen: :D :D

Re: Maybe I'm regressing

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 19:30
by Workingman
I love the market for price and quality, but it has changed.

I can now tear off a bag and choose what I want - three of these, a handful of those. In the old days the vendor chose and some dodgy stuff got in.

As someone who likes Asian foods I specially like Wednesdays. I can get stuff not available in the supermarkets and other "expensive" things for pennies. They virtually give fruit away after 3pm.

Re: Maybe I'm regressing

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 19:57
by meriad
We have a market in Woking but the few times I've been it's been quite late in the day and I haven't been that impressed (with the goods or prices to be honest). I should give it a go again because another friend of mine goes at least once a month and she raves on about the things you get... but she goes really early

Re: Maybe I'm regressing

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 21:34
by Diflower
That sounds lovely Ton :)
It depends where you are I think meriad, our market is great, goes the whole length of the High Street - but not for veg/fruit, or meat really. I do sometimes buy veg, but that's usually if it's late (3pm or after) and they have bowls out for £1 each.

Only one meat stall/van and not brilliant, except if you want something like a big gammon joint, and again late they have a trayful for a fiver/tenner depending on the meat. Don't do that often, it doesn't always look good value.

Other things are really good though, the fish stall is fantastic and is usually sold out before lunchtime. The shrub man has more or less filled our garden and is more than happy to give free advice without a sale :)
There's also a wonderful bread stall, all sourdough/handmade, all sorts of gorgeous stuff. And the chocolate/sweets stall, one of 3 brothers who have been there since their parents had a stall when the market started in the 1950s :)
Plant stalls too, are really good.

Definitely always worth a visit, there's a huge variety, but not necessarily for fresh produce :)

Re: Maybe I'm regressing

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2014, 09:15
by Kaz
I've had some lovely locally grown fruit and veg from the Farmers Market in town on Fridays - it's not cheap though ;) There are a few stalls most days behind Debenhams in Kings Square that have fruit and veg, mostly the ethnic sort :) There is also a greengrocers behind the bus station that sells big bags of veg and fruit, all £1 a bag - it can be good but the quality is hit and miss...............Great for bags of jacket spuds though 8-)

Re: Maybe I'm regressing

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2014, 14:35
by JoM
We've got an indoor market but there isn't a greengrocer's stall on there! We do however have a fabulous fruit and veg shop which I'd say is probably the busiest shop in town and always has a queue. There's such a variety of lovely fresh fruit and veg and it's all very reasonably priced too. They also sell plants and have expanded into the empty shop next door to make room for a deli counter.