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Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 17:03
by Lozzles
I did my shopping at Lidl today. I do go there from time to time, but today I thought I would do all my food shopping there. The total came to £38.76 which I was pretty happy with, so when I got home I thought I would do a proper comparison with Tesco. Yikes! If I had bought my food from Tesco it would have cost...(drum roll)
I'm converted

Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 17:06
by debih
I love Lidl - the food (most of it) is fab and the savings massive.
I go once a month to do a big shop and then on to Sainsburys for any bits I can't get from Lidl.
Then I try to use Iceland and the Co op I between for bits and pieces.
Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 17:29
by tonicha
Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 17:32
by Rodo
The Lidl in our town doesn't seem to do much. It's always practically empty when I go. Aldi however is always heaving. I do 95% of my shopping at Aldi now, with an occasional excursion to Sainsbutys for the few items that I can't get at Aldi.
Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 18:06
by Osc
Loz, we did the same a good few years ago - did our whole shop in Lidl and compared with Tesco also as that was where I had usually done the shop. I've never gone back to Tesco, and only go to another supermarket for a very few things like cholesterol drinks, my goat yogurts and a couple of other things. I buy milk and bread locally. You very quickly get used to the brands in Lidl and anytime I've been unable to go there for some reason, I am always horrified at the cost of shopping in the local shops

Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 18:23
by Diflower
We've saved a fortune since Lidl opened.
The little Tesco in town or even Waitrose we use for odds and ends (and offers!) that we can't get, or when it's not worth going as far.
Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 19:00
by miasmum
We are slap bang in the middle of Aldi and Lidl, I much prefer Aldi. However, now Morrisons are online I do my shopping with them
Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 19:42
by Lozzles
Well with the amount I can save weekly I can afford a new sewing machine
Everything I bought was cheaper, apart from a jar of Marmite, which was the same price. I bought a lovely shoulder of pork for half the price of Tesco! Fantastic

Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 19:43
by debih
We have an Aldi about the same distance away in the opposite direction. I tend to go to Ludl as it means I can nip to Pets at Hone, Hobbycradft and B&M Bargains at the same time, which I couldn't Do if I went the opposite direction to Aldi.
But I understand that an Aldi is opening up near the Lidl I go to so I can check them out (have nt been in Aldi for years).
Re: Lidl v Tesco

01 Feb 2014, 21:46
by Diflower
There's going to be an Aldi opening just a bit further away than Lidl, looking forward to investigating