Bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr here too - lovely blue sky and bright sunshine though
Debih enjoy your ride, what a gorgeous day for it. Glad you're able to do what you want, you needed a bit of time to yourself.
I'm feeling hugely relieved. I was supposed to be going to the lymphoedema clinic for 2pm; I'd already postponed it from last Thursday because I couldn't face the drive 2 days running, but really wasn't looking forward to doing it again today.
Having had to do all the driving, etc for 4 1/2 weeks, with all the various appointments Bb and I have both had, as well as everyday stuff, my back's not getting a chance to recover.
Anyway, I've just phoned them, they were very sympathetic, have cancelled today's appt and will send a letter for a new one. If it's for the day after another appt I'll just cancel it again! The arm isn't bad, it's not going to matter much if it's put off a while - more important at the moment to look after my back
Not sure what I'll be doing now
Hope everyone has a good day