Morning all
Went to a friends house last night who live out in the whops, so far out he has no cellphone reception.
had a blast, fed the calves and cows that will be my dinner next year and in a couple of years.
fed the chickens, and the neighbours chickens and alpacas. We stayed the night and went to the Cleveland markets this morning. Missey didn't go to sleep last night till 10pm, and was a little madam from 11am on, so she got put in bed for a nap this arvo, and now tonight she's not yet gone to sleep. She's only been in bed (mostly) for 3 hours, so it looks like we are in for a repeat performance tomorrow.
god give me strength......
When we got home there was no sign of George our cat, so once missey was asleep I found him hiding in our wardrobe, with a very sore leg, so i took him up to the after hours vet. $148 later
I was told he had a sprained knee, but if it doesn't come right in a couple if days, it could be a torn ligament and to come back. Poor George. He can only manage a few steps before he lies back down.