Hubby tells me it's Tuesday, so I'm on the right thread then.
Morning everyone
I've been in and out here, so haven't really caught with much if anything really.
New house is fab, absolutely fab!
We took two truck loads over last weekend and it's barely looked like we moved anything in, whereas our old house is looking rather empty.
Wine barrels over, phew... They are what has been stressing me out the most. I have 7 and they are planted with fruit trees.
Really nice weather the last oupl of days which has really helped. But rain is on the way again, probably in time for move in day.
I've been unpacking in priorities, cellar is fully stocked, (cupboard under the stairs), now I'm doing the kitchen. Far out! I need a pilots license to drive the cooktop! Still, I managed to warm spaghetti and baked beans tonight for the kids dinner.
Have a good day all