Morning all
Sun, sun, sun isn't it lovely?!
Our bedroom windows are always open; the little one even at sub-zero, the big one a lot of the time too. It's funny along our row of the 5 houses we can see, us and next door have them wide open; next door with 2 children, it's only the last week or so that their little windows have been just a tiny bit open. Other side of her another with 2 children, their windows are only ever a tiny bit open too. And the other way, the guy never seems to have a window open at all
When youngest is here we sometimes have to remind him to open the window, but if eldest comes both big windows will be open wide
Back still very painful but not quite as bad. Did manage to sleep - though why we both stayed up till one watching Notting Hill I have no idea, but that and a big dose of bacardi helped. Needs must when you can't take strong painkillers
Today himself has to work but will fit in shopping. Not sure yet if I'll manage getting in and out of the car.
Will be popping back in once or twice to catch up with reading at least.
Have a good day all