Good morning Tuesday

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Good morning Tuesday

Postby Ally » 18 Mar 2025, 05:34

Good morning.

Bright sunshine and forecast 18°.
It must've rained through the night but as usual I slept like a log. :lol:

Going over to Jacob's for brunch. :D

We'll get food shopping on the way home. :)

TV tonight.

Have a great day.

Safe travels Jen and to you too Kaz. xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 18 Mar 2025, 07:50

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Lovely, sunny morning, so the flip flops are on :lol:

Washing out already. One forecast said showers this morning, the other one said this afternoon :roll: So I've just put it out in the hope it will dry.

Not doing a lot today, far too wet to do anything outside. The weeds are waist height in a couple of parts of the "lawn" :shock: Looks like another nine days of showers/rain :shock:

Might pop down to the bar later, it was friends birthday yesterday, but chucking it down, so we didn't go.

Safe travels to our travelers and have a wonderful time xx

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cruiser2 » 18 Mar 2025, 08:43

Good morning Ally JanB and anybody else who is up.
Only 12C when I got up with frost on the windscreen of the car. But there is a lovely blue sky so it should get warmer.

An engineer is coming to service the stair lift. I have it done every year. Will be making some phone calls when they have gone.
One will be to arrange the removal of the chest freezer which is in the garage. The council will take one item each year for nothing.
Have ordered a new fridge and a new freezer. Itwill be next week before I have them delivered.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby saundra » 18 Mar 2025, 09:49

Morning all lovely day a potter day enjoy your break Kaz
Our council charge £45per item cruiser never heard of a council up doing something for free
Take care everyone
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Osc » 18 Mar 2025, 10:07

Morning all, it’s mostly sunny out there but still cold, at this stage I really need some warmth on my bones. Edward has gone to play golf, I think I’ll change the bed while waiting for the postman to deliver something I ordered from M&S. I need to go and get some milk, and I’ll see if I can get my nails done this afternoon. Otherwise just usual h/worky stuff.

I’m a bit worried about my brother, he hasn’t been well for over a week. It’s all quite messy, we don’t know what he tells the doc, then complains endlessly about all medical professionals. I spoke to my niece yesterday, she is going to bring him to the doctor today and I suggested she see if he will let her go into the doctor with him, I also suggested that to him yesterday. He takes 13 tablets a day but doesn’t seem to know what most of them are for. Now he is saying that he has type 2 diabetes, but is on a pre-diabetic tablet as well as one for diabetes. I would be bringing all my medication with me and demanding that the doc tell me exactly why I am taking them, but I’m not my brother! My niece said she would contact me later, hope she remembers.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cromwell » 18 Mar 2025, 10:50

Good morning.
The car was frosted over first thing but we have sun now, so it's all melted.
Can't beat a good night's sleep Ally. Enjoy your break Kaz.
The weeds will wait Jan. Cruiser, that's good service by the council; we have to pay £25 (I think) for having up to three large items taken away by the council.
Enjoy the sun Saundra. Osc that sounds a bit worrying; I do hope it gets sorted out.
I'm having a trip out this afternoon, MrsC is off baby wrangling.
Have a nice day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby saundra » 18 Mar 2025, 11:25

commers it's 3things for £45-00 but they do there best to get you to get scrap deals to do it privately
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Workingman » 18 Mar 2025, 11:27

Good morning everyone.

It got down to - 4°C overnight so there was a hard frost this morning, but it is now wall-to-wall blue skies and warming up nicely.

In Leeds we get one free pick-up of large items - max five items. We can then have another set of collections at £30 a go - max of four items and three collections.

Safe journeys to our travellers and yes, Jan, the weeds can work.

Osc I agree about the meds. Some interact with others in not the best of ways so hopefully your brother will take heed and ask the doc. Fingers crossed.

Just a pootle day here with maybe a walk later on.

Have a good one you all.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JoM » 18 Mar 2025, 13:47

Afternoon all, it’s a lovely sunny one and the washing is drying nicely in the breeze.

Joe’s off work today as it’s Jade’s birthday. They’ve just been over and gone for a walk on the common, they’ve just left to go for lunch and then they’re going to the designer outlet.

I’ve hoovered through and will iron the washing once it’s dry. There’s not much else planned for today but I’ve got a jigsaw on the go.

We had an interesting video meeting last night with two of the UK reps from the Romanian rescue where were getting George from. As well as them there was a woman who is adopting one of the puppies and a couple who are having one of the others, there was a lot to take in about settling them in when they arrive…but the ladies are travelling to Romania in the next week so were promised updated photos :Hi:

Our council will collect up to three items for £48. It was a free service up until a few years ago.

Safe travels to Jen and Kaz!

Have a good day all :)
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 18 Mar 2025, 18:21

Evening everyone, from sunny Tenby!I

We're in a very nice B&B - a small hotel really, very comfortable and about half a mile from the front. We got here about 3, unpacked, then went out exploring. We found a nice pub down by the town and had a very late lunch/early dinner :D

Love to all xxx
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