Ton got me thinking when she said, regarding the photo of Ali and me, that she thought she had seen me before.
When you think of the millions of people in the world, it seems incredible that there are so many different faces, and there must be the possibility of there being a look-alike of you somewhere.
A few years ago, in Merry Hill Shopping Centre I met a lady who I took to be the nurse at the factory where I worked. I knew her well. as the Medical Centre was then under my control. ''Hello Liz', I said. She looked at me blankly and said. ' I'm sorry. you must have the wrong person'. 'Come on, Liz', I said, 'What's the matter with you ?'. 'I told you'. she replied, I don't know you', and she pushed past me in a huff.
I found it almost impossible to believe it wasn't who I thought it was. She was identical in every way, even her mannerisms.
Have you ever had anything like this happen to you ?